Sunday, November 24, 2013

Move Over, Slick "Worship" Productions

An unexpected surprise. 

Thou Shalt Not Think!

“How fortunate for leaders that men do not think.” 

- Adolph Hitler

He has a valid point.

And we see this happening every day, in systems that forbids thinking outside the assigned boundaries.

Faith is Trust

"Faith is trust. If your dad says he will put you in the oven because you didn't trust him, I might be stating the obvious here, but I wouldn't trust him.”

- Sam Gollan

Related posts:


"The best way to stop worrying about keeping a good reputation is to not try to have one. None of them are true anyway." 

- Donald Miller

Truth is Not Black and White

"People are drawn to black and white opinions because they are simple, not because they are true. Truth requires nuanced thinking."  

What if Jesus Meant All That Stuff?

Quote by Shane Claiborne, from this article.

"The more I have read the Bible and studied the life of Jesus, the more I have become convinced that Christianity spreads best not through force but through fascination." 

- Shane Claiborne

Spiritual Journey

"The classic spiritual journey always begins elitist and ends egalitarian."  

- Julie Ferwerda

Compassion trumps "perfect" theology

Theology bows down at the feet of compassion. 

5 Churchy Phrases That Are Scaring Off Millennials

Quotes from the article, by Addie Zierman: 

"We don’t want to hustle to prove our faith; we don’t want to pretend. We want to be accepted, not analyzed." 


"You’ve heard us say that we like Jesus but not the church, and it’s not because we’re trying to be difficult. It’s because the Jesus we read about enters into the pain of humanity where so often the church people seem to want to float above it."

Read more, here. 

Interpretation, the Lens.

This cartoon has to be one of my favorite works from David Hayward.

"Truth" is subject to the lens of one's interpretation.

Related post: The Elephant and the Four Blind Men