"Thou shalt not use your God-given intellect", said Jesus, never.
"Thou shalt never ask questions, and if you dare question the conventions and traditions, be ye satisfied with the typical pat answers", said Jesus, never.
"Thou shalt blindly and unquestioningly believe your favorite preacher", said Jesus, never.
"Thou shalt not study for yourself", said Jesus never.
"Thou shalt have no other gods before thee, except your tradition", said Jesus, never.
"Thou shalt never read a book aside from your Bible", said Jesus never.
"The indwelling Holy Spirit shall never guide you into all truth. Therefore, always depend on an external source to guide you", said Jesus, never.
"Start Christianity", said Jesus, never.
"Thou shalt never be bold and step out of your bubble. Always be intimidated by the voices that keep you tamed and chained to the lifeless religion", said Jesus, never.
"Judge, condemn and be vitriolic to those who don't agree with your interpretation of the truth", said Jesus, never.
"Thou shalt never follow your heart", said Jesus never.
"Allow yourselves to be bullied and shamed by people who act under the guise of "spiritual authority"", said Jesus never.
"Thou shalt keep the 10 Commandments and the 613 Laws", said Jesus, never.
"Thou shalt choose your favorite laws to police others (and play victim, when being pushed back), while conveniently ignoring the laws you can't, or choose not to keep", said Jesus, never.
"Be ye justified by keeping the Law", said Jesus, never.
"Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and also, to be self-righteous", said Jesus, never.
"Thou shalt be the Sin Police and Fruit Inspectors", said Jesus, never.
"Love thy neighbor, only if he or she belongs to your same religious tribe. Love everyone else with the sole intent of converting them to your tribe", said Jesus, never.
"Even though you will not give a stone to your child, when she asks for bread, my Father would school you through sicknesses or other negative circumstances to make you pure", said Jesus, never.
“While you walk through the valley of shadow of death, be ye fearful and obsessed about the evil", said Jesus, never.
"Build ye citadels in my name, and employ gimmicks, to lure people in", said Jesus, never.
"Freak out, at all times, for my peace, will I not leave with you", said Jesus, never.
"Ye shalt build my church", said Jesus, never.
"Be ye exclusive, for I have not come to save the world, but to condemn the non-conformists", said Jesus never.
"God so loathed the world", said Jesus, never.
"In this world you will have tribulation; be very pessimistic, for I am a weakling", said Jesus, never.
"God is love; however, minimize His love to the best of your ability. Let your words be peppered with copious amounts of ifs and buts", said Jesus, never.
"Amen, amen, I say unto to you - intimidate, control and oppress", said Jesus, never.
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