Searching for grace is a comic strip created by Mick Mooney that revolves around the conversations of a Christian named John and his Pastor.
John attends a small 200 member Pentecostal church. He loves the good news of God’s grace. He also loves and respects his Pastor, but unfortunately never hears the gospel from him. He continually tries, with little success, to convince his pastor to bring the finished work of Jesus back to the centre of his messages. His greatest challenge is trying to help his Pastor see the importance of not mixing the Old Covenant mentality of Law with the New Covenant reality of Grace.
John’s Pastor is Pastor Moses, who is consumed with his own religious ideas and driven by the possibility of being a mega-church Pastor one day! He loves reading ‘church growth’ and ‘Christian leadership’ books, and is convinced if he can just follow these keys, laws and principles he can fulfill his dream of building a big church one day.
John is searching for grace. Pastor Moses is searching for people to help him build his church service. It’s a recipe for disaster – but millions of fellow Christians around the world are cheering John on!
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