Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Chariots and Political Parties

Some trust in chariots and horses, some Christians, in political parties. 

The 2012 US Presidential Election is around the corner and all of us have our reasons on why we think one party is better than the other party.

Regardless of our preferences, the most ignorant thing that we could do is gather information and form our conclusions based on hate-filled chain emails or chatter from clearly biased sources. FOX leans to the right just like MSNBC leans to the left.

Politifact.com, a Pulitzer Prize winning site, dissects the statements made by our good politicians. Here is a link on how they work. 

Another popular site is FactCheck.org

I'd encourage you to bookmark and frequent these sites depending on your fascination with the political parties.

If you know of more links like these, please do share it in the comments below.

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